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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Hello everyone! So as my second year of graduate school came to an end (finally because this year was intense) so came time for Chloe’s annual physical. Here is the story of our adventure: Conveniently Chloe started having these swallowing/pigeon head gesture/gagging/scarfing lots of grass attacks all night long (Sunday night to Monday morning) before her annual senior wellness physical (btw I got about 3 hours of sleep that night).  Her vet told me Chloe’s symptoms resembled acid reflux so she prescribed Chloe some pepcid ac.  The other good news (a day later after her ‘stuff’ was analyzed) is that she is a healthy 11 year old girl (even with lots of bumps: 2 lipomas, 2 warts, 1 skin tag, all benign!)!

Butterfly Beach

Fast forward a few days.  Chloe barfed about a pound of grass on the carpet in the morning, then she was panting, drinking water excessively, lethargic and a bit bloated.  Called her vet and she told me to bring her in.  They did x-rays to make sure there weren’t any obstructions inside (and there weren’t any, yay!).  Results of the xray:  Her lungs still look clear (yay!) and that everything else inside still looks healthy.  Only thing, she is apparently starting to get a bit of arthritis in the lower lumbar region of her spine (where she only has one back leg), but that it is barely noticeable. The really hilarious thing was that she had a lot of poop waiting to be let out ( you could see her ‘fecal matter’ on the x-ray).  As soon as I saw it I knew what it was and it took everything I had to not laugh uncontrollably. I can now say that I have seen the before, during and after results of her food. My life is complete. After some thought I think that her stomach problems stemmed from these rabbit treats someone gave me for Chloe.  Since Thursday, I have ceased treats, continued pepcid pills, and added Optagest digestive aid to her food. No more upset tummy, YAY!!!

But then, the vet called to check in on Chloe and told me her fecal sample was positive for roundworms! AHHH! Pretty sure it is from eating questionable things (like cat poo) around the yard.  I’ve seen her scarf some things down and by the time I reach her they are gone… The solution? No more unattended wandering! The vet prescribed her some de-worm meds even though she is on Trifexis (which should take care of it even without de-worm) but we want to get rid of those worms!! At least Chloe likes the taste of the fluorescent yellow de-worm liquid.  I give her another dose 2 weeks after the first. I am thinking this might have contributed to her other symptoms (like bloated stomach).

ML Chloe


Posted by on May 25th, 2012 at 7:47 pm

6 Responses to “Nearing 2 years and still healthy!”
  1. 1
      anjl says:

    YaY for Chloe…
    She is a rockstar!

  2. 3
      maximutt says:

    Sounds like Chloe is doing pretty well for a senior gal!! (Okay, except for the roundworms part!) Wishing Chloe continued good health!!

  3. 5
      maggie says:

    Yay Chloe!!! That’s a great update! You rock girl! And your Mom is on the same page is mine…she’s about to update my blog with a similar post..stay tuned 🙂


  4. 7
      etgayle says:

    geesh chloe, just cause it looks and smells yummy doesn’t mean you should eat it!!!! glad your mom has your tummy issues all fixed, and everything looks good for a long life of adventure for you two!! hope you come to visit at the forums more often, we miss your beautiful face!!

    charon & spirit gayle

  5. 9
      Heather says:

    Yeah for Chloe on almost two years! You sure do get around and find trouble for yourself. I know mom will be keeping a closer eye on you now, especially now that grad school is over. I remember those days.

    Heather & Spirit Shadow

  6. 11
      Dakota Dawg says:

    Dear Chloe,

    Do not listen to Charon. Of course you should eat it. Don’t even think about it. Just eat it.

    I am happy you are healthy and doing well. You are pretty and I think you seem like fun. You are obviously having fun because you have worms. My Woman says children cannot have fun without getting dirty. I say dogs cannot have fun without getting worms.

    Love, Dakota