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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Chloe has lucked out because once a week, she can come to lab with me!  Well, sort of.  She stays with her new dog friend Bailey and his dad all day!  They were kind enough to let me bring her a couple weeks ago to see if they got along and they did! Bailey is a very mellow boy and is about her age, which definitely helped since I know she isn’t too keen about really playful dogs (those that jump on her).  Here they are, spoiled and lounging on a bed!  Chloe is extremely happy in this picture because I do not allow her on the furniture in my house.  She knows she is so totally spoiled here.  That or she is used to me taking a million pictures and videos and knows to smile for the camera!

Chloe and Bailey

Let’s just say she didn’t to seem to have any problems hanging out with a new pack all day!  Well, at least Bailey’s dad hasn’t told me otherwise.   There is only story worthy “adventure” I know of…  Apparently Chloe decided she wanted to do some exploration on her own and jumped out of the open window behind the bed (see picture 1).  Let’s just say that Bailey’s dad was quite surprised as to how fast Chloe could run once he heard suspicious jingling collar noises coming from outside…. Don’t worry, she was herded back into the house soon thereafter!  I guess being a Tripawd really doesn’t keep her down!  Maybe its all those beach walks…

Chloe and Bailey 2

Now its my turn to tell you a story of an adventure I had with Bailey!  Not quite as cool as an exploring tripawd, but still story worthy!  The other week when I had a million things to carry (school stuff, Chloe’s bed, toy etc…) Bailey and his dad helped to carry stuff back to my car.  So I got Chloe settled in the back, opened the passenger door to put my things down and then Bailey decided to jump in because he wanted to go for a car ride too!  I start laughing and Bailey’s dad noticed Bailey was in my car.  He then opened the opposite passenger door to drag Bailey out.  Dogs, they are so silly!  I guess Bailey figured that since he spent all day with Chloe, that he was going wherever she was!  Maybe Chloe told him how she goes to the beach everyday (since they allow dogs on the beaches near me, not the case where Bailey lives) and convinced Bailey to want to check it out for himself!  I am sure there will be more adventures of Chloe and Bailey in the future!

Posted by on November 6th, 2010 at 10:41 am

9 Responses to “Chloe and Bailey”
  1. 1
      maggie says:

    Nice friend you got there Chloe! Lets’ you on his bed and everything! He’s a very handsome dude 😉 Glad you got a new friend!

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

    PS – Maggie here, Chloe, you keep showin’ your Mom the things you can do on three legs! I keep amazin’ my Mom everyday! But she keeps forewarning me to stop jumping up on the one remaining rear leg…she doesn’t want me to get hurt!

    • 3
        Chloes mom says:

      I have no idea if she gets up on the furniture herself or if she has help…but yes, I do need to be aware of that!

  2. 5
      admin says:

    Chloe has a boyfriend! 🙂

  3. 7
      fightingforsammy says:

    He is cute Nicole! Aw, Nicole that is so cool she has a “pack” to hang out with while you are busy learning. Very smart in finding a great way to ease her anxiety and make sure the crazy neighbors complaints are squelshed.
    Good job, Chloe looks very happy.
    Elizabeth and Sammy

  4. 9
      janeothejungle says:

    Aww. What a handsome boyfriend! Nothing like a little companionship to pass the time. You go Chloe!

    Luvs, Rosie

  5. 11
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    That’s great that Chloe has a buddy! They certainly look very comfy-cozy together. 🙂

  6. 13
      etgayle says:

    chloe has a boyfriend…chloe has a boyfriend…chloe has a boy friend…;}


  7. 15
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    Those pictures are just precious! Chloe has a boyfriend- very cool – and what a handsome boyfriend too! They look pretty comfy together. Way to go Chloe!

  8. 17
      fortisdad says:

    Awe, how sweet is that. Chloe has a boyfriend. I’m not all that sure Bailey boy can hang with Chloe though. He might want to start a work-out program 🙂

    We are happy for you guys. Friends are the best.

    Brett and Fortis