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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

So on Sunday morning, Chloe and I went on our routine beach walk and guess what we saw??? DOLPHINS playing just offshore! Ok well I saw them; she probably didn’t really notice since there were too many good stinky smells in the kelp clumps along the beach…

Baton dolphin
Ok so this is NOT what I did at the beach, but what I got to do at Sea World about 8 years ago… and yes if you pay money you can do it too! Anyway, the dolphins we saw were doing behaviors like that, hopping straight out of the water, playing, tail flaps, quite awesome!

Because I love baking and I have the time to do so, I decided to try another dog cookie recipe!  Only this time it was Spirit Tika’s Omega Dog Cookie Recipe! They are loaded with Omegas since you use canned salmon and flax seeds.  I made a modification and bought Flax pre-ground (came in nice package) since I don’t have a coffee grinder to grind the seeds.  And instead of buying Sesame seeds (like the recipe calls for, ground up) I just used extra flaxseed meal.  I also coated the cookies with some extra meal so that they were easily removable from my cookie sheets .

And I made them into cute heart shaped cookies because they are made with lots of love!! And for those of you going to the K9 Cancer Walk in Los Gatos on 10/10/10 (next sunday!) I might bring some for your pooches!

Chloe is growing more and more adept at running in the soft sand! I managed to catch this small clip of her after she sniffed her way in one direction until she realized I was still standing in the place she left me.  Soft sand can’t keep this tripawd down!!!

Don’t miss our adventure next Sunday when we participate in the Los Gatos K9 Cancer Walk with other tripawd website members!

Posted by on October 3rd, 2010 at 9:20 pm

5 Responses to “Dolphins and Salmon and Sand, Oh My!”
  1. 1
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Whoa! That is some seriously astounding running on soft sand. Well done, Chloe!!

    And those are some seriously yummy looking cookies too.

  2. 3
      etgayle says:

    you need to ‘can’ all this college stuff and open a doggie bakery!!! follow your passion.

    charon & gayle

  3. 5
      Ginger says:

    Oh, how great. Dolphins are so cool – and you just look like can run a marathon in that sand.

    • 7
        Chloes mom says:

      She probably could! We walk up and down the half mile stretch of beach and she is always leading!!!

  4. 9
      jerry says:

    Chloe, what a life! Dolphins? Homemade cookies every day? Beach fun? WOW!!!

    That running in the sand business is very good for strengthening muscles. Keep it up!