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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Yesterday was another milestone for Chloe since we reached her 2 month ampuversary! I guess we have graduated to celebrating month by month instead of week by week!

It started off like any other day, a trip to the beach!

Then we headed home for some breakfast.  Chloe certainly got the royal treatment today with some cut up turkey breast and cheese added to her dry dog food!  After I got home for class, guess where we went? Back to the beach! I try to go at least once a day and my goal is 2 times a day.  Yesterday, she met a pack of dogs that included a couple of chihuahuas.  She gets nervous about playing with dogs her size and larger, but she loved these little guys! They were so energetic and rambunctious that Chloe kept trying to run after them to play! She certainly got in her cardio that’s for sure.  And when we got back she had one (OK maybe a couple) of the yummy peanut butter dog cookies I made for her on Monday! A pretty darn good day!

And this is what she had to say about her big day (to my roommate):

Posted by on September 30th, 2010 at 7:50 am

11 Responses to “Chloe’s 2 Month Ampuversary!”
  1. 1
      kazy55 says:

    Hi Chloe’s mom- Ajax did the same thing, getting nervous about big dogs after his surgery. He is pretty much over it, I just let him go at his own place and about 2 weeks ago we had another Lab over and Ajax did the “butt down” playing for the first time since his surgery – since then, he’s approached pretty much all dogs in the park, regardless of size. Just an FYI, I expect Chloe will do the same at her own pace. It was kind of fun to see!

    • 3
        Chloes mom says:

      Literally yesterday evening, Chloe and I went to the beach and she played with TWO dogs about her size!! Maybe she is picky about who she plays with? But I wanted to tell you that you were so right!!!

  2. 5
      maggie says:

    Happy Two Month Ampuversary Chloe!!! Here’s to many, many more!!!

    Tracy & Maggie

  3. 7
      etgayle says:

    congrats on your two month ampuversary!! ice cream and cheese for everybody!!!

    gayle & charon

  4. 9
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    Happy 2 Month Ampuversary Chloe!! Just as I’m typing this, Mackenzie’s barking at me to pay attention to her – she must have heard Chloe on the video. Chloe looks so pawesome on the beach – I couldn’t even tell that she has 3 legs. She’s getting around great. You must be so proud of her. Here’s to many, many more ampuversaries and peanut butter cookies!!

    • 11
        Chloes mom says:

      I even forget that she only has 3 legs sometimes! Yes I am very proud of her, she still acts like a 4 legger and most people can’t believe she is 9 🙂

  5. 13
      nstephenson says:

    Hoppy 2 month Ampuversary Chloe! You are a GREAT TALKER! Must have been a wonderful day…being able to go to the beach so many times, meeting some small dogs and getting extra treats!

    Hooray for you!

    Nancy and James the Poodle

    • 15
        Chloes mom says:

      Thanks for the compliment on her talking abilities! Her vet says she has a beautiful voice because she likes to talk to him. She chastises me when I come home late…I think its hilarious that she talks so much!

  6. 17
      Fortis'dad says:

    Happy Ampuversary Chloe! Fortis just about started howling when he heard you 🙂 You sure sound like one happy pup. I can understand why…a great mom, daily trips to the beach, and homemade peanut butter cookies! Life is good at your place.

    Keep the cardio up,

    Brett and Fortis

    • 19
        Chloes mom says:

      😀 you are too kind!!! I feel it is my duty to spoil her and have no regrets as to the quality of her life post amp!!

  7. 21
      Ginger says:

    Woo hoo Chloe!! Two months is a real accomplishment. And celebrating with trips to the beach and a song to howl. Great job, girl!