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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Chloe, my family and I went to the beach again today! We went in the morning because my parents had to leave soon to go back home. We will be sure to go to the beach multiple times a week because again, we had a blast!!!

Chloe investigating the beach.

Chloe meeting a boy dog.

Chloe viewing her surroundings.

Chloe running away from the waves! It wasn’t long after this that she decided to go #2 near the waves and by the time I grabbed a bag and ran over, the ocean swallowed it up! (shhh don’t tell anyone!)

Chloe and her pawprints

Posted by on September 19th, 2010 at 10:33 am

12 Responses to “Sunny Cove Beach!!!”
  1. 1
      Ginger says:

    You sure are stylin’ with your Ruff Wear harness. I bet that boy dog sure thought you were pretty. My pawrents and I are more than a little jealous, though. Being from the great Midwest, we have to go at least 700 miles to get to a “real” beach. Plus, how awesome is it that you discovered a new manner of waste disposal. Just go by the water and wait for the waves to flush it away. Bwaahaaaaaaahaaaahaaa

    • 3
        Chloe's mom says:

      It seems that water draws her need to, you know “go”. A few years ago my dad and I took her backpacking near Dingleberry lake in the Sierra Nevadas in CA. Needless to say she did the same there…My Dad has called her “dingleberry” ever since. Maybe she thinks its a giant toilet.

      • 5
          Ginger says:

        Sierra Nevadas? That is some of my favorite beer. That’s too funny about that water and her going. I like that – dingleberry. She’s awfully cute for a dingleberry.

  2. 7
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    Chloe looks pawesome!! What great videos! We’re so happy for both of you!

    • 9
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thanks!!! Hope Mackenzie is still enjoying the pool before it gets too cold! Or does she swim all year since she is in so cal?

  3. 11
      jdsmom says:

    I absolutely love the picture of Chloe and the three paw prints !!!

    Spirit JD’s mom

    • 13
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thanks!!! Me too! I was hoping someone would notice my talented photograph 🙂 (more like luck!)

  4. 15
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Great videos! Lovely photographs (the one with the pawprints is beautiful).

    We’re envious of your proximity to a real beach too but happy that you and Chloe get to enjoy it!

    • 17
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thanks, I love that photo too!!! When I was home for the summer at my parents’ house taking care of Chloe, I was close to the beach, but still couldn’t take her!! Not as beach dog friendly in So. Cal. Where I am now is a different story…which is great! Check back tomorrow or Tuesday because we have an awesome road trip planned 🙂

  5. 19
      etgayle says:

    good fortune for you both!!! thanks for sharing your adventures!!

    gayle & charon

  6. 21
      fortisdad says:

    Chloe looks like she is having such a great time. I’m so happy for your two. I hope your parents had a nice visit and safe trip back home. A road trip…….fantastic. Have a great time!

  7. 23

    Awwww man how we miss the ocean! You’re so lucky Chloe, that is such a beautiful place to play. Enjoy!