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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

So today was a HUGE day for us in nor cal! We are celebrating my birthday, Chloe’s 7 week ampuversary (which were both on Thursday) and our REUNION!!!! For those of you new to my blog, I had to leave Chloe 2 days after her 2 week critical recovery period was over in order to move up the coast to start my graduate studies. I was so worried about everything that could possibly happen when I was gone, but today I was just SO EXCITED to see her again!!! And as soon as she recognized me, she couldn’t stop wiggling her butt.  We are so happy to be with eachother again! And yes my parents did bring her up, so I gave them a huge thanks and plenty of hugs. My dad thinks I was more excited to see her than anyone else, but in actuality it was nice to have almost the whole family come up to visit (since I moved 350 mi away…).

Here are some pictures and videos! The first is of my birthday gifts: flowers, cupcakes, cards, candy and balloons (which you can’t see).


My parents built the dog house I purchased a few days ago and it took them less than an hour! It came in such a way that it was fairly easy to assemble and with my Dad’s power tools, it was a snap! Plus he went all out and built a better bottom underneath the dog house so that it wouldn’t sink into the grass after a while, which also helped to stabilize it (the kit came with a 3 piece floor, it was OK, but my dad made it better).  Plus my mom bought her a travel bed!! You will see it in the second video where she is squeaking her squeaker! And she got more toys!!!!

Here are some videos of her at the new house! She was at first more interested in sniffing the backyard and eating the grass, but as you can tell by the second video, she was going nuts over her new squeaker!!!

She seems to like the house so far and is quite the pro at going up and down the 15 carpeted stairs! She must have gone up/down them at least 5 time within the last 2 hours because she has been so excited about exploring the place!!!  We also checked out the beach I scoped out for her earlier and she loved it! There were lots of other dogs there and she loved socializing with everyone.  It became quite clear that the soft sand easily pooped her out since she has to work so much harder, so we left a bit early so that she could still make the 5 min walk back. However, she saw a dog running with their owner and SOOO wanted to run with them too! You see Chloe and I used to go on 3-4 mi runs when I was in high school and whenever I came home from college and I think she misses that. She was pulling so hard! So we took a 1 min jog back home. And was she pooped, NOPE!  I would rather see what her capabilities are now before I have to leave her on Wednesday when I go to school, so it was a good test run. It was getting too dark to take pictures, but we will go again tomorrow!!

Chloe and Faux

The picture above is Chloe with Faux Chloe on their bed! Although she really likes the rug downstairs by the back door. Guess if she likes being by herself I consider that a GOOD thing since I will have to leave her a couple days a week when I go to school! She is already doing better than I thought!!!

Stay tuned for more adventures with Chloe now that she is living with me again!!!

Posted by on September 18th, 2010 at 8:22 pm

12 Responses to “My Birthday, Chloe’s 7 week ampuversary and the REUNION!!”
  1. 1
      admin says:

    A great day indeed! 🙂

  2. 3
      krun15 says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Yea, Chloe is home.
    The squeaker toy woke Tani up- she lives to kill squeakers where ever they are.
    Sounds like a great day- can’t wait for the beach pics.

    Karen and the pugapalooza

  3. 5
      jdsmom says:

    Where to begin???

    So many things to celebrate – birthdays – grass – new houses – treats – stairs – toys – beds – beaches -presents OH MY !!!!! But the very best of the best is that you two are reunited!
    Man is she going to be sore and tired tomorrow.

    Congrats on it all!!!
    spirit JD’s mom

    • 7
        Chloe's mom says:

      Yea she is so tired, she is still sleeping in the living room… I think I will let her sleep wherever she wants tonight and I will leave my door open if she wants to come up here. She hasn’t moved in like 1.5 hrs… Its good that she is OK with alone time because I will have to leave her for school. Good to know that a long walk to the beach and play time will get her pooped for hours!!!

  4. 9
      fightingforsammy says:

    Happy birthday and happy reunion day from Sammy and me! Looks like she is one lucky girl. Having a beach nearby is such a bonus, we hope you both have many fun runs.

  5. 11
      Ginger says:

    I love it when our furry friends get so excited they get the butt wiggles. What a lot of things to celebrate. Sounds like you had a great day at the beach. I think the fact she’s got so much energy is awesome. We all just know she will have no problems with her recovery.

    Ginger and her pack

  6. 13
      etgayle says:

    well happy belated birthday!! and congrats that you and chloe are finally reunited!!! can’t wait to see some beach pictures, it’s great you are so close and she is settling right into her new home.

    gayle & charon

  7. 15
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    A happy birthday! A happy reunion! A day at the beach.

    Very happy for you and Chloe.

  8. 17
      fortisdad says:

    Looks like I missed all the festivities. What a special time for you and Chloe. I know how much you have missed her. So Happy Birthday Nicole, Happy 7 week Ampuversary Chloe, and super duper Happy Reunion! You guys are going to have such a great time.

    Oh, congratulations on winning the contest. I know Chloe is looking forward to the treats. I’ll take the sweetarts thank you.

    • 19
        Chloe's mom says:

      Well today we have a special short road trip planned so be sure to check back tomorrow for some more pawsome fun! Thanks for checking in on Chloe! We sure hope Fortis the Fighter is still living life to the fullest 🙂

  9. 21

    Chloe my Mom has been sooo busy she just had time to check out this post.

    Hoppy Birthday and Hoppy Reunion! A week late, but better late than never eh?

    We love the squeaky toy video, you shouldda seen Wyatt Ray’s head tilting all over the place trying to figure it out.

    Hope you’ve had a great week in the new digs!

    • 23
        Chloe's mom says:

      The image of Wyatt Ray tilting his head reminded me of how Chloe did the EXACT same thing when I was replaying the video on my computer. She kept pacing around my room looking for the squeaker too…