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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

It’s finally here, the time has come, to celebrate the big number ONE!!!!  Today is Chloe’s ONE YEAR ampuversary!!!   We have certainly had our fair share of adventures this past year… moving to central cal, starting grad school, meeting a sea lion (and barney), attending a K9 cancer walk, meeting Mr. Tawp Dawg Wyatt Ray, puddle hopping, emergency vet visits, squeaker chasing (check out the army below), beach exploring and much, much more!!! Life is certainly never boring with a dog!

Squeaker Army

Now that we are all settled into our new home, things are looking up.  That scary train noise from the powerplant is next to nonexistant (why it had to be so loud the first couple weeks I moved in I have no idea), but now if we do hear it, guess who gets some hotdog???? Guess who now only perks her ears at the sound (which I said is now rare) rather than going into full blown anxiety? I’ll give you a hint… she has 3 legs, is part goof ball and has a special day today.  Why Tripawd Chloe of course!

Here she is in the best spot on the deck!  People were jealous of her little sleeping bag fort.

Sleeping Bag Chloe

So how are we going to celebrate you ask? Well, we are going to continue living life to the fullest with lots of walks, beach visits, play time, nap time and SNACK time!!!  Time has certainly flown by, but we have enjoyed this past year.  And for those of you new to my blog, she is a healthy, cancer free, 10 year old tripawd.  We hope she has many years to come! In honor of her success as a cancer survivor, here is a video tribute to my wonderful girl!!!  You get to see her progress over the course of a year 🙂 (as indicated by the bald leg spot slowly filling in over time, in 8+ months). Best viewed in full screen mode (bottom right hand corner of movie box).

July 29th, 2011 at 7:32 am | Comments & Trackbacks (4) | Permalink

Hoppy 11 months to Chloe!!! Right now we are in the middle of moving, so today will be filled with packing, cleaning and driving.  Chloe will be getting lots of love and treats, but we will have to postpone some beach time until we are moved into our new place (much closer to the labs!!!).  Anyway, here are some fun photos of Chloe “rediscovering” my room or at least my closet!


Seemed like a good place to take a nap… so much room in there!!!


And guarding her things in our now compartmentalized life…

Only one month to go until the big ONE YEAR!

June 29th, 2011 at 7:10 am | Comments & Trackbacks (3) | Permalink

Here we are at 10 months already! We’ve certainly had our fair share of adventures this month, some unexpected, some necessary, and yes some fun ones too! So for those of you wondering, Chloe’s eye has healed completely! Yay! AND as per suggestion, she got…drum roll please……..dum…..dum…..duuuummmmm……



When I was at PetSmart a couple weeks ago looking for a flea/tick collar (it’s tick season here, so she needs extra protection) I saw ONE PAIR of doggles laying on top of a gear rack.  Were there any others? No. Was there even a rack where they should have been displayed? No. Couldn’t find one anywhere around the store.  Was this the exact perfect size she needed? Yes.  Was it a sign of some sort? Probably.  When contemplating the purchase, I thought to myself, “I do NOT want to go through the whole “painfully-expensive” I mean “painful-fox-tail-in-the-eye” deal ever again”.  So, I bought it!  I mean how much more conveniently could this have happened? Short of finding one laying on the beach or magically appearing in my room…   So now Chloe is the proud owner of her very own pair of Doggles!  And it didn’t cost an arm and a leg, just a trip to the emergency vet and some green backs from me.

Other Updates
Chloe’s aspirate report came back as fatty cells!  For those of you who don’t know, the vet that did a follow up exam on her eye (2 weeks ago) did a body rub down first and felt a small, squishy lump on Chloe’s remaining hind leg.  He did an aspirate and sent it in for analysis.  The preliminary diagnosis (looking at it under microscope) was a lipoma, a fat deposit, common in most older dogs. Harmless and nothing to worry about, so long as it doesn’t get too big.  Otherwise it would need to be biopsied or possibly removed. BUT NOT CANCER. Thankfully.  And yesterday she went in for her yearly exam: bloodwork, poopwork, final eye check, etc… I should be getting the results from the tests in a few days and will report findings (fingers crossed she is still healthy girl!).   Her vet did say that she has a great physique, could tell that she gets plenty of exercise and that she has a really strong back right leg.  I do believe his words were, “It’s like she’s got 2 legs for the price of 1 back here!”. Pretty sure its from stairs and sand.

Here is Chloe waiting at the vet. I don’t think she was worried one bit!


One last health update: I asked the emergency vet a couple weeks ago about joint supplements (hey, I paid a premium for her eye check up, might as well ask all the questions about everything else!) and she recommended Dasuquin with MSM (Nutramax).  Basically you have to order it online and its not a prescription.  No Chloe does not have mobility issues, but she is 10 years old and will only be getting older and will still only ever have 3 legs.  There have been many positive reviews for this product and I hope that with this supplement she will continue to be a playful, mobile, tripawd!

Fun Stuff (Now that all the health things have been dealt with)
Hoppy 10 months to Chloe!! Today we will be going to the beach, then taking a nap, waking up to a tasty snack, taking another nap (while I read) and then maybe playing with some squeaker toys.  Anyway, enjoy the movie!

May 29th, 2011 at 8:55 am | Comments & Trackbacks (5) | Permalink