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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

So here are a few videos from one of our recent trips to the beach.  Yes all this did happen in the same 40 min we were there!

Rock climbing: West wall.  So there are bluffs along our coastline and these particular bluffs are more like shelves.  They start out vertical near the top, then quickly slope to almost horizontal along the bottom.  These rock faces are spattered with many holes from puddled water gradually eating away the rock and various homes that marine organisms once occupied.  It was on these sloping rock faces that Chloe was interested in investigating.  I don’t usually let her up on them, but I wanted to show off her agile 3 legged footing!

Rock climbing: East wall.  You can’t just explore one rock face without exploring the other!!!

And I thought our adventures were over, with the doggie rock climbing and all, but NO!  Chloe, the dog who hates baths, avoids the waves coming on the beach, and the rain…well you’ll just have to see for yourself what she did!

And yes, that is me shrieking in exasperation (and laughing) in the background since I wasn’t expecting her to trounce through the sea water puddle.  (When a really high tide comes in, it leaves large puddles of water sometimes.  Usually takes days for it to evaporate.)  You better believe she got a waterless shampoo bath! I made sure she smelled like a lemon and not like stinky, stagnant, seawater!  We now frequent an adjacent beach to avoid Chloe’s apparent puddle hopping tendencies….

scb chloe
Me a puddle hopper? No way! You MUST have the wrong dog! Just look at my innocent face…

October 6th, 2010 at 10:04 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (9) | Permalink

So on Sunday morning, Chloe and I went on our routine beach walk and guess what we saw??? DOLPHINS playing just offshore! Ok well I saw them; she probably didn’t really notice since there were too many good stinky smells in the kelp clumps along the beach…

Baton dolphin
Ok so this is NOT what I did at the beach, but what I got to do at Sea World about 8 years ago… and yes if you pay money you can do it too! Anyway, the dolphins we saw were doing behaviors like that, hopping straight out of the water, playing, tail flaps, quite awesome!

Because I love baking and I have the time to do so, I decided to try another dog cookie recipe!  Only this time it was Spirit Tika’s Omega Dog Cookie Recipe! They are loaded with Omegas since you use canned salmon and flax seeds.  I made a modification and bought Flax pre-ground (came in nice package) since I don’t have a coffee grinder to grind the seeds.  And instead of buying Sesame seeds (like the recipe calls for, ground up) I just used extra flaxseed meal.  I also coated the cookies with some extra meal so that they were easily removable from my cookie sheets .

And I made them into cute heart shaped cookies because they are made with lots of love!! And for those of you going to the K9 Cancer Walk in Los Gatos on 10/10/10 (next sunday!) I might bring some for your pooches!

Chloe is growing more and more adept at running in the soft sand! I managed to catch this small clip of her after she sniffed her way in one direction until she realized I was still standing in the place she left me.  Soft sand can’t keep this tripawd down!!!

Don’t miss our adventure next Sunday when we participate in the Los Gatos K9 Cancer Walk with other tripawd website members!

October 3rd, 2010 at 9:20 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (5) | Permalink

Yesterday was another milestone for Chloe since we reached her 2 month ampuversary! I guess we have graduated to celebrating month by month instead of week by week!

It started off like any other day, a trip to the beach!

Then we headed home for some breakfast.  Chloe certainly got the royal treatment today with some cut up turkey breast and cheese added to her dry dog food!  After I got home for class, guess where we went? Back to the beach! I try to go at least once a day and my goal is 2 times a day.  Yesterday, she met a pack of dogs that included a couple of chihuahuas.  She gets nervous about playing with dogs her size and larger, but she loved these little guys! They were so energetic and rambunctious that Chloe kept trying to run after them to play! She certainly got in her cardio that’s for sure.  And when we got back she had one (OK maybe a couple) of the yummy peanut butter dog cookies I made for her on Monday! A pretty darn good day!

And this is what she had to say about her big day (to my roommate):

September 30th, 2010 at 7:50 am | Comments & Trackbacks (11) | Permalink