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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Hard to believe, but Saturday was Chloe’s 6 month ampuversary!!! I can’t believe its been that long! So to celebrate, we did a beach walk on Sunday (it poured on Saturday) and we got to see a rainbow! Pretty sure it was just for her (see the picture below). Β And of course she was spoiled with all kinds of goodies like grilled chicken and sausage! I mean what is an ampuversary without meat?!?!?


So to honor her amazing last 6 months, I made a video! It showcases her life before and after amputation (not necessarily in that order though!). She is an active tripawd and I hope that those of you out there worrying about what the future holds that she provides you with some inspawration!

Posted by on January 31st, 2011 at 5:32 pm

11 Responses to “Happy 6 months to me!”
  1. 1
      CatiesMom says:

    Aw. That was just lovely and fun.


  2. 3
      maximutt says:

    Happy Ampuversary Chloe!! Six months is amazing! Keep on rockin’!

  3. 5
      Ginger says:

    Woo Hoo Chloe! Way to go and Hoppy Ampuversary. Keep on hoppin’, girl!

  4. 7
      maggie says:

    Happy, Hoppy, 6 month Ampuversary Chloe!!! YOU GO GIRL! Nice to hear from you πŸ™‚ Glad all is well!

    Tracy & Maggie

  5. 9
      admin says:

    Quite inspawrational indeed. Thanks! Here’s to many many more hippy hoppy ampuversaries! πŸ™‚

  6. 11
      linnea says:

    What a sweetie! Happy ampuversary, Chloe girl!

  7. 13
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    What a great video!! Happy 6 Month Ampuversary Chloe! We think about you a lot and are so happy that you’re doing so well. And Nicole, thank you for all of your support – I’m so glad we were able to meet you with Mackenzie, Chloe and Kobe. We will be celebrating with you during this special time (I can’t believe that it’s already 6 months!) Here’s to many more happy celebrations and ampuversaries :).
    Kami, Angel M & Kobe

  8. 15
      fortisdad says:

    Happy Ampuversary Chloe! You are definitely an inspawration.

    I loved the video Nicole πŸ™‚

  9. 17
      cdematteis says:

    What a happy story! Congrats Chloe!

  10. 19
      wyattraydawg says:

    Six months? That’s it? You seem like such a veteran Tripawd and are so confident Chloe, I never wouldda guessed.

    Thanks for being a role model and showing folks how Tripawds can live large. Hoppy Ampuversary!

  11. 21
      jdsmom says:

    Such a milestone for you and Chloe!

    I remember (as I am sure you do)all of the adjustments and changes you two needed to make in those first few months!

    Sending best wishes for happy hoppy sunny days for you both! Thanks for the nice video.

    Mom to Spirit JD and the quadpaws Serena and Maya