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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

First and foremost, Happy New Year to everyone!! We wish you all happiness and good health! Anyway, Chloe and I have had a busy last two weeks driving 350 miles in the rain, going to my grandmas for Christmas, visiting friends and other relatives, playing chaffeur to my family by picking them up from the airport…yes it has been quite a busy holiday season for us both! Not only did we celebrate Christmas, but we celebrated it 5 times because it was close to her 5 month ampuversary! We had Christmas at my grandpas, then my grandmas, then my uncles (twice!) and finally with my friends!  I really don’t know how to top that one when her big 6 month comes around next month!


So to delve into a little bit of our adventures, we will talk about Chloe’s favorite Christmas; the one where we went to stay with my grandma.  I would first like to mention that Chloe was a very good girl, guarding the house when we were gone and not digging into any of the chocolate presents that were under the tree.  And for that, she got some roasted chicken with her kibble! Anyway, on Christmas morning she got, guess what, a new SQUEAKER! It is a bloated alligator…. and when Chloe squeaks him, it really does sound like it! And for those of you wondering, no she didn’t get any doggie make up from Sephora…

Afterward we took a walk around the neighborhood.  Some elder folk stopped to talk to us and remarked at how well she was getting along.  Strangers are always surprised to hear that she is 9 years old and that she has only been a tripawd for 5 months.  Later in the day when after all the excitement of opening presents, playing with new toys and going on a walk to brag to new doggie friends about it wore off, it was time for Chloe to take a nap. And she found the best spot in the house.


Her own chair.

Posted by on January 1st, 2011 at 6:22 pm

5 Responses to “5 Christmases and a Happy New Year”
  1. 1
      GerrysMom says:

    Niiiiice. Belated Merry Christmases and Happy 2011, Chloe!!!

  2. 3
      etgayle says:

    puppy dreams of a perfect christmas!! love that picture!!

    charon & gayle

  3. 5
      admin says:

    Too cute! Wyatt wanted to know what all the squeaking was about. 🙂

  4. 7
      maggie says:

    Hi Chloe!

    Have been wondering how you have been doing! Nice to hear from you here and on my blog 🙂 Glad you had FIVE great Christmas’s!

    Here’s to a healthy 2011!


  5. 9
      wyattraydawg says:

    Chloe, it was so good to meet you in pawson!

    Hey, come on, admit it…you thought I was pretty cool, didn’t you?

    Awww, I see you blushing!