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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

We did a celebration fit for a tripawd this weekend!  It was a threefold celebration: 1. It was Chloe’s 3 month ampuversary (oct 29) 2. We have had no additional visits/notices from AC and 3. It was Halloween!!!  I guess you could say that our Halloween had a theme of threes to it…


First of all, what is Halloween without a custom jack-o-lantern?  For this task, the most important thing to do was to pick out a good pumpkin from the cute Trader Joe’s pumpkin patch! I wasn’t sure if they would be OK having a dog sniff around their “produce”, so she stayed in the car… I ended up getting a one from the row of orange pumpkins on top of the hay bale in the lower right.  Then it was time to carve it!


Chloe trying to figure out this pumpkin stuff…


The Little Mermaid pumpkin design! (I was a mermaid for Halloween, so I thought it would be fitting!)


Pumpkin turned into jack-o-lantern. Check. What about the cookies and candy?? You can’t have a proper Halloween without those!  So, off I went on another baking spree, making Halloween themed sugar cookies for the humans and grain free peanut butter cookies for Chloe and her dog friend Bailey (the cat ones on the left). Ghosts, witches and cats, OH MY!


Continuing our Halloween checklist: we made a pawsome jack-o-lantern, some sweets, so then it was time for the costumes!!!  I had what I call a “Project Runway” moment when I went to goodwill to look at their Halloween selection.  For those of you unfamiliar with the show Project Runway, the host Heidi Klum (well known Victoria Secret Angel and runway model) gives 15 designers the chance to launch their own line of clothes by having new fashion challenges every week.  Sometimes the designers are tasked with turning premade garments into something else entirely.  I applied this to my mermaid costume and did a bit of DIY work on Chloe’s costume as well.  FYI I did NOT have access to a sewing machine, it was all done by hand, so maybe you could say it was couture? I certainly have the finger pricks to prove it. Anyway for Miss Chloe, I found a cute child’s bee vest (no wings) and modified the leg/arm holes to fit Chloe’s robust shoulders (she bulked up with all that soft sand running!).   As a dog bee she already had half the number of limbs as a normal bee and I thought she shouldn’t be a completely helpless dog bug by having missing wings too! Luckily I was able to find some small green wings for her costume.  To modify the wing color I got some cheap hose stockings, recovered the wings and then sewed them to the costume. And Ta-da! Chloe is Queen Bee of the Tripawds!  Much cheaper than buying a pre-made costume at any dog store!!! I added her “Tripawds Rule” bandana for a little flair!


Since we got the three important things for Halloween (a jack-o-lantern, sugary treats, and costumes), we were ready to tackle the small stream of trick-or-treaters!!! It’s too bad I am too old for trick-or-treating…it would have been cool to call Chloe a trick-or-treating tripawd! However, Chloe and I were tag teaming the trick-or-treaters, kind of like good cop, bad cop.  She would trick the trick-or-treaters into thinking she was a stinging bee and I would give them the treat for stopping by!  For some reason they could see through her disguise and see that she was three legged dog.  I think she wasn’t very good at tricking them because she wouldn’t make buzzing noises like I told her to nor would she go over to pollinate the flowers I bought.  Or maybe these kids were just too smart….

Trick or Treat: A headless tripawd on the loose?


Trick! Chloe’s head is just under the bed!

Happy Howl-oween from Tripawd Chloe! Buzz Buzz Bark, Buzz, Bark!  And by the way, this is kind of an homage for Chloe being Queen of the Beach too…

Posted by on October 31st, 2010 at 9:29 pm

3 Responses to “Halloween Buzz: Queen Bee of the Tripawds!”
  1. 1
      etgayle says:

    queen bee chloe!!!! you look mmaahhvveeelllooouuuss!! sounds like you might need the rest of the week to rest up after a celebration like that!!! hope you ate the pumpkin seeds!!!

    charon & gayle

  2. 3
      Fortis'dad says:

    What a Halloween celebration! Chloe is indeed the Queen Bee of the Tripawds. The costume was precious, the Little Mermaid pumpkin amazing, and the cookies looked just delicious. You and Chloe are amazing.

    I think some photos of Mermaid mom are in order.

    Fortis and Dad

  3. 5
      jerry says:

    She’s always Queen Bee in our book! You two are just crafty beyond measure, we love it 🙂

    And yeah, we wanna see the Little Mermaid costume!