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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

It has been known for quite some time (in my family) that Chloe is part goofball.  First of all, she LOVES squeaker toys!! The more obnoxious the noise, the more awesome the toy!  One of my friends was kind enough (or evil enough) to give Chloe an obnoxious squeaker that looks like a land mine.  Needless to say that is her new FAVORITE toy!!!  I am reposting an earlier video of Chloe squeaking it incessantly, so that you get an idea of how annoying it is.  Every times she plays with it though, it just cracks me up because I don’t know what it is about that toy that is so fascinating!  Turn down your volume if your dog likes squeakers!!!

Here is a video of her fetching her squeaker toy. Even though it is only a minute long, I threw it over and over again about 20+ times before she tuckered out!

And of course after exerting so much energy, you need some water!!! She LOVES the hose. For a dog who dislikes baths, the ocean, large bodies of water (except for puddles see prior post) this fast streaming water is so interesting!! You will see her try to “bite” the water. I wanted to make sure she didn’t get soaked (or my phone for that matter), so it is a short clip of how she interacts with the hose. When we go to my parent’s house for Thanksgiving, I will be sure to have my dad turn on the water so I can film her full-on hose play! Not to be confused with horse play!

And did I mention that my parent’s also have a goofball of their own? It is Asieke the cat!  He grew up around both dogs (before Chloe moved in with me) and seems to have developed some “doggie habits”.  Totally busted!!!  You see that is Rocket’s food bowl…she is not as tolerant as Chloe is when it comes to food stealing.  Good thing she didn’t catch him!

Some of his other doggie habits include: chasing toys when thrown, sometimes retrieving said toys (fake mice are preferred), panting when he gets exhausted,  playing with the dogs, eating dog food, digging holes in the lawn (after watching Chloe do it), sometimes pooping on the lawn (after watching the dogs), and sleeping in Chloe’s bed with or without her present.  But don’t get me wrong here, he certainly asserts his kitty dominance when he jumps on the bed or in people’s laps and gives smug looks to Chloe and Rocket.  Maybe Asieke takes after his older cousin Chloe in his goofball tendencies?  However, he HATES the hose and HATES the noises squeakers make.  Guess he is still just a cat after all…

Posted by on October 12th, 2010 at 12:00 pm

3 Responses to “Chloe the Goofball”
  1. 1
      admin says:

    Go Chloe! Go! Nice bandanna. 😉

    • 3
        Chloes mom says:

      For some reason your post got put into spam… weird, but a good thing I check my spam before I delete it!

  2. 5
      Ginger says:

    Way to go, Chloe! The vid of the hose is hilarious. I think Asieke must be half dog. I’ve never heard of a cat doing any of those “doggy” things.