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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

So here are a few videos from one of our recent trips to the beach.  Yes all this did happen in the same 40 min we were there!

Rock climbing: West wall.  So there are bluffs along our coastline and these particular bluffs are more like shelves.  They start out vertical near the top, then quickly slope to almost horizontal along the bottom.  These rock faces are spattered with many holes from puddled water gradually eating away the rock and various homes that marine organisms once occupied.  It was on these sloping rock faces that Chloe was interested in investigating.  I don’t usually let her up on them, but I wanted to show off her agile 3 legged footing!

Rock climbing: East wall.  You can’t just explore one rock face without exploring the other!!!

And I thought our adventures were over, with the doggie rock climbing and all, but NO!  Chloe, the dog who hates baths, avoids the waves coming on the beach, and the rain…well you’ll just have to see for yourself what she did!

And yes, that is me shrieking in exasperation (and laughing) in the background since I wasn’t expecting her to trounce through the sea water puddle.  (When a really high tide comes in, it leaves large puddles of water sometimes.  Usually takes days for it to evaporate.)  You better believe she got a waterless shampoo bath! I made sure she smelled like a lemon and not like stinky, stagnant, seawater!  We now frequent an adjacent beach to avoid Chloe’s apparent puddle hopping tendencies….

scb chloe
Me a puddle hopper? No way! You MUST have the wrong dog! Just look at my innocent face…

Posted by on October 6th, 2010 at 10:04 pm

9 Responses to “Rock climbing and puddle hopping”
  1. 1
      etgayle says:

    great videos!!! pretty soon she’ll be swimming like fortis. you may need to get her a floaty coat! she moves so well, really a little gymnast!!

    charon & gayle

    • 3
        Chloes mom says:

      And they do sell lots of different types of float coats at our nearby petsmart!!!

  2. 5
      maggie says:

    Yes! Great videos! I like to watch Chloe’s videos…as Maggie is a rear amp too…so I can compare. Do you notice how Chloe’s tail once in while goes around in a circle to catch her balance? It reminded me that Maggie used to do that too…but not now…guess she is stronger now and it’s not all in my head! 🙂
    Funny, too, how it’s the same leg missing as Maggie..

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

    • 7
        Chloes mom says:

      Yea I do notice that Chloe uses her tail as a counterbalance. Sometimes it looks like her 4th leg from far away! I guess Chloe won’t have a helicopter tail in a few months once she becomes stronger like maggie 😀

  3. 9
      anyemery says:

    Wow, Chloe – you are such a pawsome adventurer! That sand must make you so strong – it was so much fun to watch you run around! Although my mom got a little nervous when you went too close to the edge of the rock you were climbing on. Geesh! I knew you were top dog on those rocks! She has no idea how much tripawds rule!
    Holly, Zuzu and Susan

    • 11
        Chloes mom says:

      Yea first time she went up on her own (while I was admiring the view) I got nervous too! Like I said, I normally don’t let her go up on them, but I wanted to show that she could, just this once 😀

  4. 13
      Ginger says:

    Oh my gosh, Chloe. I can’t believe all the rock climbing. A couple of times I had to do a double take to make sure you hadn’t grown that fourth leg back you were doing so good. And you just made me laugh when you were tromping through the puddles. What an explorer! Keep those videos coming, you little cutie.

    • 15
        Chloes mom says:

      Every time I watch the puddle video now, I crack up too! When she first went in and I yelled “Chloe!”, she looked confused like, “how do i get out?”. And then after she decided the water wasn’t bad, she kept going! I am glad she didn’t get too wet and stinky!

  5. 17
      Fortisdad says:

    Wow Chloe, you sure are amazing. I love the videos.
    Rock climbing and puddle hopping, now that’s a dog’s life for sure. Keep up the great work.