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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

I got two early birthday presents from my family friends who visited last weekend and its all stuff for Chloe!!!  They know how much Chloe likes squeakers so they got her one of those too!  So in celebration of Chloe’s 6 week ampuversary last thursday (9/9), I decided to go dog supply shopping!!!!

Faux Chloe and friend posing with early bday presents!

Petsmart (only place in town) was actually quite busy today!! Dog and cat adoptions!!!! Don’t worry, I was able to resist the cuteness because I cannot afford another dog… nor would my landlord appreciate an untrained puppy. Here are the things I got for her!! (pooper scooper not shown).  Faux Chloe is posing with an Everlasting Treat Ball (on sale!!), a new name tag (new address), poop bags, double dog dish and waterless shampoo! Now I just need CHLOE!!! Only one more week until my parents bring her up!  I am sure you can tell that I am quite excited….

Faux Chloe and items!

This morning I also walked to the nearby entrances to the beach and found a small cove where she is “safe” to run free! It is far from the main road since you have to go down a small alley way and both sides of the beach are enclosed by bluffs. It will be perfect for her to wander and do dog things! She has an independent personality and has a tendency to explore on her own (far from me) so I don’t let her off leash unless it is safe to do so.  Probably the only beach in the area that I can do that since the rest are open to the main road. We will be sure to explore those areas, but with her leash on at all times. Will give another update next Saturday when she arrives!!!

Posted by on September 11th, 2010 at 12:02 pm

10 Responses to “Preparing for Chloe’s arrival…”
  1. 1
      Fortis'dad says:

    I’m so happy for you and Chloe. I know this has been tough on you Niclole but only one week left…Yippee!

    It sounds like you are well prepared with safe places to go exploring, all the necessary pet supplies, and of course lots of love.

    Fortis was eyeballing the photo of all the supplies and said “all looks swell but where are the bloody treats?”

    Fortis and Dad

    • 3
        Chloe's mom says:

      Chloe is actually not a big fan of most treats. She has always been that way… I am going to start working with her again (refresh certain commands and ideal behaviors), but I am probably going to have to use baked chicken and once in a while cheese… She does like beggin strips sometimes, but I know that if I start working with her again I don’t want to use stuff that has alot of calories (same problem with cheese…). So basically the whole “treats” dilemma is still up in the air…

  2. 5
      anyemery says:

    How exciting!!! We can’t wait to hear about Chloe’s adventures with you on the beach!
    As for treats, have you tried low-fat string cheese? That is one of Holly’s favorites! And I think it’s not as bad as full-fat cheese as far as calories go. I pinch off small pieces – one stick can last us a few days.
    We’ll all start the count-down with you… we have just enough paws here. 🙂
    Holly, Zuzu and Susan

    • 7
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thanks for the low fat cheese tip! and yes the countdown is 3 days now… thanks for reminding me to give an update on that (haven’t been good about it since I don’t have any news to post…).

      Will post again Sunday! (9/19)

  3. 9
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    Hi Chloe’s Mom,
    I’m on vacation without any access to wireless but found a little gas station with an internet service so decided to sneak on…just wanted to let you know that we’re very excited for you and Chloe’s homecoming and can’t wait to hear all about it. You are totally prepared! I think your idea of the beach is perfect – I found that once I let Mackenzie off leash, she was able to do so much more and seemed to have more energy. But just beware – once they get used to being off the leash that selective hearing thing really kicks into high gear :). But it’s all worth it. Here’s to the countdown and Chloe’s return – yea!

    • 11
        Chloe's mom says:

      Yes, Chloe already has selective hearing off leash…hence I wanted to find a place she can wander and can’t be a dumb dumb and run across the street…

  4. 13
      Ginger says:

    Chloe and Mom, we must apologize. We have been remis in commenting on your posts. But, we have been following your whole story. We are so very happy about how good Chloe is doing. It is very clear how much you love each other. I’m sure you can’t wait for her to be reunited with you so you can just enjoy each other. Please take some pics and videos at the beach. It just sounds wonderful.

    Ginger and her pack

    • 15
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and I will certainly be posting pictures probably late tonight/tomorrow morning of her arrival! Plus I think I am planning a day trip to a dog friendly beach south of us, so hopefully I will have pictures of our excursion by Tuesday!

      • 17
          Ginger says:

        You are so sweet – commenting on our past posts! We can’t wait to see you and your pretty Chloe at the beach. We hope that she is back to you by the time you read this.

        Ginger and her pack

  5. 19
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Woohoo! Chloe’s coming home where she belongs. Hard to believe I’ll bet that the reunion is here.

    Looking forward to pictures of the beach!