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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

It seems I just keep celebrating Chloe’s ampuversaries, but I promise that in 16 days when she comes up, I will have many more adventures to write about! There are videos here to watch!

Chloe Chasing Squeaker

Chloe and Rocket going up “the hill” part 1

Chloe and Rocket going up “the hill” part 2

Posted by on September 2nd, 2010 at 8:13 am

12 Responses to “Chloe’s 5 week Ampuversary and videos!”
  1. 1
      etgayle says:

    oh, she looks so great!!! what a happy girl, thanks for sharing the videos!!

    charon & gayle

    • 3
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thanks! I can’t wait to see her in 16 days and see for myself how well she is doing! We are so going to have a beach day!!

  2. 5
      jdsmom says:

    Dear Chloe’s Mom,

    I so enjoy reading and seeing all the updates you post.

    16 short days how wonderful, you worked very hard to make this happen.

    Angel JD’s mom

    • 7
        Chloe's mom says:

      Thank you and I am soooo looking forward to living with Chloe again!

  3. 9
      admin says:

    Great movies, thanks for sharing!

    Did you try pasting each video page URL on a line by itself, without linking them like you have here? YouTube movies will auto-embed in your posts that way.

    • 11
        Chloe's mom says:

      Ok I see now. I was making it way too complicated and copying the embed code and putting in in the html view. The yellow box would show up but then disappear after I updated the page. The way you suggested worked perfectly, thanks!

  4. 13
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    A five-week ampuversary and only 16 more days until the reunion?! Woohoo. She looks like she’s doing absolutely great. She’ll be in fine form by the time you’re reunited.

  5. 15
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    OMD – Chloe is faster than a speeding bullit! She’s amazing and at only 5 weeks!! You must be so proud…what great videos! Totally pawesome!!
    Thanks for sharing these 🙂

  6. 17
      takoda says:

    Chloe is awesome & looks like she is having so much fun! What a great inspawration! Her ampuversary must be about the same date as Takoda’s, so it’s really interesting to see Chloe’s progress.

    Takoda and Steph

  7. 19
      Fortis'dad says:

    Wow, look at Chloe go, and up hill! She really is something. I seem to remember her not wanting to play with her squeaky toys…not anymore! I’m sorry for being a bit late wishing her a Happy 5 week Ampuversary. She is a sweetheart.

    Happy Ampuversary Chloe,


    • 21
        Chloe's mom says:

      Yea the first week she wasn’t into her toys… probably was too doped out on meds.

  8. 23
      hugapitbull says:

    Loving Chloe’s blog. Great job!