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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

My parents (dad mostly) give me daily updates on how Chloe is doing and send lots of picture messages.  I am happy to report that she is doing just great! Chloe is finally back to her normal self after her Monday tooth extraction. Who likes having teeth pulled anyway, regardless of whether you are a human or dog? Last night my dad took both the girls (Chloe and her sister Rocket) on part of our favorite beach route walk, which is the farthest Chloe has walked post amp!  FYI  we can’t walk on on the beach since no dogs are allowed, so the walk is just to the beach and back.  He made sure to stop and turn around at the top of the hill that led down to the beach, so as not to push Chloe too much if she wasn’t ready for walking down/up a 0.3mi hill.  Hoever even that truncated walk was still just under a mile according to Google Earth! Chloe certainly has come a long way since my dad said she was basically pulling the whole time… Maybe in a few weeks she will be able to complete our favorite beach walk!

Chloe and Rocket on the beach walk!

As for stairs, Chloe seems to go up/down the 15 stairs up to my parents’ room (now her surrogate bedroom) with much more ease! Plus they are wooden! By the time she comes up to live with me in a mere 4 weeks (yay!), she should be able to do the same 15 steps at the house I am currently living in. At least she will have the advantage of having carpeted stairs at my place…

Happy 3 Week Ampuversary to Chloe and I look forward to giving weekly updates until she comes up with me!!! 30 more days….

Posted by on August 19th, 2010 at 10:07 am

4 Responses to “Updates from my parents (and 3 week ampuversary)!”
  1. 1
      etgayle says:

    going to the beach – what a great adventure. sounds like chloe has mastered stairs…won’t be long til you’re back together again!!!

    charon & gayle

  2. 3
      admin says:

    Thanks for the update, keep ’em coming. 🙂 But no dogs on the beach? Bummer!

    • 5
        nbobco says:

      Not where my parents live, but YES where I live! In 4 weeks she will be up with me and we WILL be going to the beach!!

  3. 7
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Chloe sounds like she’s continuing to thrive. And a three-week ampuversary already. Wow, time goes by quickly.

    Thanks for the update!