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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Both cars are packed, their tanks are full, and just waiting to be driven. Tomorrow morning (very early) my dad and I will be driving up and I will be moving in to the area I will be living for grad school. But Chloe won’t be coming. Not for almost 5 weeks anyway. Since I will be moving 350 miles north, it won’t be easy for me to just “go down” and pick her up some random weekend between prior obligations and school. I am going to have to wait until after my birthday,which is when my dad can drive her up to me. I know she will be ok at my parents’ house, but it will still be hard for me to leave her. Hopefully the time up there will pass by quickly… The bright side is that she will be with her sister Rocket the whole time I am gone. Its still not going to make me miss her any less. Since I will not be with my dog for quite some time, I will only post when I get some interesting news from my parents.

Anyway as I promised, I have a picture of Chloe in her Ruff Wear Harness! More to come when I am not so busy moving my life so far away. I’ll be sure to take her to a dog beach and catch some sporty picture of her in her harness when she is up with me again.

Chloe in her new harness!

It will be a hard good bye tomorrow morning.

Posted by on August 13th, 2010 at 4:13 pm

2 Responses to “A sad farwell”
  1. 1
      Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Not good bye; but see you soon!

    You’ll miss her a lot.

    Have a safe drive tomorrow. Chloe’s in good hands.

    Hold on to pictures of how joyous that reunion is going to be. September will be here before you know it.

    • 3
        nbobco says:

      Thanks for the words of encouragement. I know that once school starts (in 2 weeks) that the remaining 3 weeks will fly by. My dad said he would be able to get her groomed the day before she comes up so she will be all clean and spiffy! Hopefully my 2 roommates will fall in love with her. I mean she’s got 3 legs and she acts like a 4 legged dog. Who could ask for more?