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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

It's a tough life spending all day with your human...

I finally heard back from the property manager regarding the possibility of having Chloe live with me and it was a yes (though with conditions)! Chloe can stay as long as my roommates and my neighbors do not raise any complaints during her time there.  When I first checked out the place, I was informed that the property next door had a dog and learned that it was outside the majority of the day (probably owners at work, plus the townhouses do not have dog doors).  I think that after I move up there with Chloe (she will not be able to come up for at least 5 weeks even though I move up Aug 14th 🙁  ).

My parents unfortunately do not have the time to take care of her like I do, so it would be better for her to move with me since I only have class only twice a week.  However on those days I have class, I will be stuck on campus all day.  I will probably have to put her outside in the L shaped, grassy, level, and 7′ fenced backyard for those 8.5 hours.  My roommates also have work and class and I have no idea if they are willing to watch her once in a while (if they are free on a day I have class). They were kind enough to agree to have her live there, but I do not expect them to be the ones to care for my dog. Any ideas for how to keep her occupied outside? I was thinking of getting her an Everlasting Treat Ball with the chewy inserts. I was also thinking of hiding a few things around the yard for her find. I do have a treat ball you fill with stuff, but she doesn’t seem to be interested in working to get what’s inside (maybe better filling?)… I would leave a squeaker for her, but she probably would drive the neighbors nuts with that.  My last concern is that there will be carpeted stairs in the townhouse.  I have already decided that I will be limiting her “freedom” to roam the house for her own safety. This probably means I stay in the living room most of the day when not in class (downstairs) and keep her in my room with me at night (upstairs).  I was also thinking of getting one of those ruffwear harnesses to help her up and down the stairs (I do have the capability of carrying her if need be).  I have been more of an emotional wreck over how and where best to care for her because there is no easy solution no matter where she lives. If any of you guys reading this that have experience living with a tripawd have any ideas for me, I’m all ears!!! I am also going to post a condensed version of this in the forums for additional opinions. Thanks!

Posted by on August 4th, 2010 at 4:17 pm

4 Responses to “More good news”
  1. 1
      etgayle says:

    once chloe is all healed up, you will be surprised what she can do. gayle surprised us by maneuvering the stairs all by herself (when we weren’t looking), there’s a post in her blog about that adventure. the harness is a great idea, we use ours to get in/out of vehicles, on strange stairs, etc. any chance you can take her to class with you???

    • 3
        nbobco says:

      Thanks for the tip, I will be sure to check out your blogo n the stair climb. I have no idea if I will be allowed to take her to class since the second half of my class days consist of lab time. Don’t know if having a dog around the lab equipment is ok sometimes or not… I start school on Aug 23rd, so I will see what I can do because I too have thought about this.

    • 5
        ESPirateer says:

      I agree with etgayle. Give Chloe the month or so to heal up and I think she will surprise you at how mobile she is. I can understand you being concerned, but eventually you will be able to stop being the mother hen. What did Chloe do during the day, before all this happened?

      • 7
          nbobco says:

        Spend all day with rocket…