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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Chloe didn’t sleep straight through the night (her second night home) only because she was pacing around my room letting me know she really had to pee. So at 1am I got up, put her in her harness, leash and sling and headed outside. Since I couldn’t find my shoes in my grogginess, I had the unpleasant experience of stepping in all these mushy berries that fall from our ficus tree all over our driveway and sidewalk during the summer… Chloe however, was up and at ’em and wanted to go on a walk even though we were only out to pee and it was way to early for me. She did pee for a very long time, so I was glad I took her outside (berries and all) instead of cleaning up an accident in the morning. Our cat Asieke found us outside and watched us from afar, only coming back inside after Chloe was situated in my room again.

This morning Chloe chose to stay in my room instead of moving out into the living room. It worked out better this way since I had to leave for an hour to get my teeth cleaned.   My brother was home all day, so he just checked on her every 15 min. I think it was better than forcing her to move to the living room especially since she didn’t feel like walking as much today. When I took her out for her morning potty break, she let out a couple yelps (making my heart sink). I think either the pain meds were wearing off or she had soreness. Needless to say, I gave her got more pain meds. Tomorrow I have another appointment (eye doctor), so my brother agreed to keep an eye on her again.  I didn’t plan for these things to interfere because I made all these appointments months before I knew Chloe was sick. I usually have to cram them all in during the summer before heading off to school again.

After I got back from the dentist (no cavities!) I thought Chloe would enjoy relaxing outside for a while because she has been cooped up indoors for the last 4 days. She just seemed to need a change of scenery because I got the feeling maybe she was getting a little depressed. So, I set up a blanket on our front lawn and we sat outside for a half an hour enjoying the outdoors. I have to say it has helped her mood because she scarfed down more chicken when we got back inside. In addition, she seemed really interested in my oatmeal. I don’t really think of dogs as oatmeal lovers, but when I gave her some, she gobbled it up! Still somewhat skeptical I made another bowl of oatmeal (I used raw oats and cooked on the stove with water and a little milk) and she ate that full bowl of oatmeal (1/2 cup dry oats makes about 1 cup cooked oats). Maybe she liked the milk in it. At least she will eat it so I will keep making it. I know milk isn’t good for dogs, so I will go and get lactaid (lactose free milk) for her later this evening. Her diet now consists of complex carbs and protein, which seems pretty good to me! Now to sneak in veggies… Just like with little kids.

On our before dinner potty break, Chloe finally pooped! She went out to pee only an hour before, but she was pacing like she had to go again (even though she didn’t drink as much water). After a pee and a few circles later, two small poops! Guess all that fiber in the oatmeal helped push things along.  Plus when we were outside for the bathroom break, she got complimented on how good she looked!

On a different note, I am waiting to hear from the owners of the townhouse (where I’ll be living in for grad school) about letting Chloe live there.  The townhouse next door (also part of the owner’s property) has a dog, so I hope that they take pity on a newly three legged dog. But who knows… It would be better for her to live with me since I only have class twice a week (all day unfortunately), so the other 5 days a week I could do physical therapy and core training with her.  I will be moving 400 mi away from home (was only 100 mi away for undergraduate degree), so either I live with her or I hardly ever see her.  I’m biased when I say this, but I think Chloe and I would miss each other more if she were not able to live with me than if I were only gone 8 hours, 2 days a week when she was living with me. My schedule will most likely change next semester or whenever I start my research project. However, I will deal with that bump in the road when I reach it.

Cross your fingers for me!

Posted by on August 2nd, 2010 at 11:28 am

4 Responses to “The midnight break, the dentist, and the poop”
  1. 1
      ESPirateer says:

    I agree-chloe would be happier with you, I mean her reaction at the vet’s office sealed it. I’m sure the townhouse will allow Chloe to stay especially if the one next door has two (I’m assuming 2 small dogs).

    The extremes we will go to for our pets. I can sympathize with the waking up at all hours of night to prevent an accident. The sound of a coughing cat will bolt me out of bed.

    My cat got her teeth cleaned today too (and lost a tooth). You know how they say no food after 10pm the night before…well my cat normally eats dinner at midnight…so this morning she was starving and sounded all pitful.

    I’m very impressed that you were able to survive the 3 (?) days Chloe was at the vet, because Smokey is only there for today and ever since I left to go to work I have been counting down and watching the clock urging 5pm to come sooner. And unfortunately it is a slow day at work, so I have nothing to really distract me (other than commenting on all your blogs 🙂 ).

    • 3
        nbobco says:

      The two dogs next door are about Rocket’s size. I was going to ask if work was slow for you because you have been such a diligent commenter!!

  2. 5
      Mackenzie's Mom says:

    I am just getting caught up on your blog. Chloe sounds like a complete love…definitely she would be happier being with you so hope that works out for both of you. Congrats on the poop! That’s always one of the biggest things we newly tripawd pawrents worry about…when they poop we feel good! Sounds like Chloe is doing great so far – wish you all the best on a very smooth and speedy recovery! 🙂
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)
    P.S. I love your banner…4 legged is so overrated. Isn’t that the truth???

    • 7
        nbobco says:

      Thanks, I thought my banner was pretty clever when I thought of it 🙂