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Being 4-legged is so overrated…

Finally got the call, I could pick Chloe up! First we wanted to get her an Everlasting Treat Ball so she has something to keep herself occupied during the next few weeks. Then off to costco to fill up on gas and to get her a big comfy bed. So my dad and I split up (he got gas and I went into Costco). After asking where the dog beds were I wandered to the aisle and saw some small beds, but nothing that would be good for her size. I then saw a woman with the perfect sized bed, but didn’t see any more of those anywhere. I enquired as to where she got the bed and she informed me that it might have been the last one in the box. I told her that I was looking for a bed like that size because I would be picking up Chloe soon from surgery and that she would need a big comfy bed. I went to the front of the aisle to see if there was another large bed. Not a one. Great. I then went to ask an employee if they have anymore and no they didn’t. I felt bad because I didn’t think to bring a blanket at least for the car ride home. As I looked up to the large, industrial Costco ceiling and sighed with frustration knowing that I would leave empty handed. The woman who I had asked about the bed, approached me as I was getting ready to leave and said the most wonderful thing to me, ” You can have the bed”. I stared at her and asked,”Really?” and she said that she was just getting a replacement bed for one of her three dogs, but felt that my dog coming home from surgery would need it more. All I could do was sincerely thank her over and over again and explained the story of why my dog had surgery. Then at the checkout line, the man behind me offered to let me rest the dog bed on his cart while I waited to pay (bulky and awkward and I didn’t want it to drag on the dirty floor).  It is in these moments that the little acts of kindness from strangers can make all the difference.

Off to the vet we wemt!

Posted by on July 31st, 2010 at 11:21 pm

5 Responses to “There are good people in this world”
  1. 1
      etgayle says:

    good karma!!!

  2. 3
      ESPirateer says:

    That lady’s kindness brightens up the day. Does Chloe like her new bed?

    • 5
        nbobco says:

      Yes so it makes that lady’s gesture all that more special 🙂

  3. 7
      Harriet Russell says:

    we bought a dog bed for our favorite puppy and she enjoyed it;~.

  4. 9
      Niamh Carter says:

    our deg beds are always made from natural fabrics coz our dog hates synthetic fabric,’: